About the Artist

I don’t remember the exact day I started doing art except say that I have been doing art since i learned to walk. I remember when i was little i would pull a chair next to my dad on the weekends and i would just sit contently and just watch him create magic with his drawing pencil and i would grab a pencil and piece of paper and i would copy everything he would do. It was from that point in my life i knew art was going to be apart of me like my second heart or a limb. As i grew up my parents put me into art classes as i started getting more advanced with my art and eventually i decided to go to college at Boise State University to get a bachelors in Illustration, at which along the way in my journey I wanted to master every art form from i could get my hands on: from Photography, to sculpture, to canvas and paper drawing/paintings. That is also when i discovered tattooing and wanting to learn everything about it from: Styles, to composition on the body, to proper technique in getting a clean and solid tattoo. My journey has only begun for me in that i have a burning passion for my art and always finding ways to improve my art work.